Frequently Asked Questions

Through the years, we’ve encountered a lot of questions about topics ranging from how the Herring Bay Yacht Club works, to questions about boating on the Chesapeake Bay.  Below, we’ve captured some of the most frequently asked questions to help you understand more about our club:

Aren’t “Yacht Clubs” all formal and snooty?

Yacht Clubs come in many forms… from virtual organizations that exist to support education, to very large age-old organizations with very strict entrance requirements. While HBYC takes boating seriously, we don’t take ourselves TOO seriously. While HBYC abides by many formal age-old yacht club traditions, our overall tone is a bit more casual.  We believe in safe boating and improving the skills of our membership to be responsible boaters… and we like to have fun as a collection of like-minded boating enthusiasts. Our list of activity types should give you a sense of how HBYC defines itself as a yacht club.

Do I have to be a power boater to join HBYC?

Not at all, in fact, you don’t even need to be a boater!. The HBYC is focused on providing a warm community for boaters of all types and skill levels to interact and enjoy the pleasures (and challenges) of boating. Our members include owners of power boats and sailboats, such as open consoles, express cruisers, motor yachts, day boats, mono-hulls, catamarans, cruisers, racers… and even long-time boaters who are “between boats”.

Do I have to keep my boat at a Herrington Harbour Marina to belong?

No – while many of our members are at Herrington Harbour Marina, we welcome boaters from anywhere… including out-of-state boaters ranging from Pennsylvania to Florida.  Having said that, the club has numerous activities at the marina (dock parties, etc.) so being at the marina will certainly add to your ability to mingle with the HBYC community.

What is “Reciprocity”?  What other Yacht Clubs does this include?

Reciprocity is an agreement between participating Yacht Clubs to grant access and privileges for a given Yacht Club facilities to “visiting guests from other approved Yacht Clubs”.  Through the HBYC membership in the Yachting Clubs of America (YCA), all HBYC members in good-standing are able to visit other clubs and enjoy their facilities (including slips, dining rooms, pools, etc. – as defined by that club).  As a HBYC member, you will receive a HBYC Membership Card each year – which will need to be presented at other participating Yacht Clubs to gain entry/access (at their discretion).

NOTE: Not all YCA member yacht clubs actually accept reciprocity (Annapolis Yacht Club being the most notable local YCA club that does not honor/accept reciprocity guests).  HBYC members have gained access to many yacht clubs across the US and the Caribbean!  The YCA website offers a complete list to member clubs -or- anyone can purchase a hardcopy list each year for $35 from the YCA site. The login ID and password for the YCA site is on the back side of our HBYC membership cards.